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- Share your image online in less than a minute!
With, you can upload and share any picture, anywhere, in less than a minute.
Just select an image and for how long you want the image to be saved. Press "Upload" and you're done.

You instantly get an ad-free link to share!

By using you accept the Terms & Conditions.
In addition to sharing photos with only a short link, all uploaded images gets an QR-code that you can download and share with just one click!
This can be used in many ways. E.g. Maybe you want to throw a party, or do a tip walk, where participants can find a QR-code. And when they take a picture of it, they get a link the image you have uploaded to that has a clue attached to it.
• No sign up nor log in!
• A short, ad-free, link to any uploaded images.
• Choose how long the image will be saved.
• A QR-code for more ways to share your image.
• Try it. It takes less than a minute!
Do you want your message to stand out on your school bulletin board? Print the QR-code without any other information. Curious people will scan the code and then get linked to the image you have chosen to share.
Advanced Sharing gives you more options:
• (optional) Add a caption.
• (optional) Add a password.
• More choices for how long the image will be saved.
• Changing the size of the uploaded image.